
In the classical single agent reinforcement learning (RL) scenarios described by (Sutton 1999), where a stationary environment is modelled by a Markov Decision Process (MDP), a solution concept can be defined. MDPs are solved by computing a policy which yields the highest possible episodic reward. However, it is not clear how to define a pragmatic solution concept when training a single policy in a multi-agent system, for an agent’s optimal strategy is dependant on behaviours of the other agents that inhabit the environment. An initial solution is to compute the expected reward obtained by a given policy defined over the entire set of all possible other policies in the environment. Discouragingly, this policy set may not only be computationally intractable to process, it may even be infinite, if stochastic policies are allowed.

To approximate this solution, an existing family of multi-agent RL (MARL) methods train and benchmark a policy against a set of preexisting fixed agents, using as a success metric the relative performance against these agents. These methods rest on two assumptions. Firstly, the availability of benchmarking policies at training and testing time. Secondly, these existing policies dominate, in a game theoretical sense, most of the policy space. Thus it would not be necessary to compute the expectation over the entire policy space, using as a proxy an expectation over the existing policies.

Within the field of RL there are multiple methods for computing these benchmarking policies which must be available before training commences. To name a few, these preexisting policies can be computed using supervised learning on datasets of expert human moves to bias learning a policy towards expert human play (Silver 2016) (Tesauro 1992); they can be tree-search based algorithms using hand-crafted evaluation functions or Monte Carlo based approaches if an environment model is present (Browne 2012). Some methods are as creative as deriving a strong policy by using off-policy methods on video replays (Aytar 2018)(Malysheva 2018).

What about the cases in which we don’t have access to these learning resources? Such as when developing a new game for which no prior expert information is known, and for which any hand-crafted evaluation functions yields a fruitless policy. A priori methods such as optimistic policy initialization are still permitted (Machado 2014). Yet, under such constraints, there is little room to compute a set of good benchmarking policies, let alone a set of dominating policies.

Authors such as (Samuel 1959) began experimenting on self-play (SP). SP is a training scheme which arises in the context of multi-agent training. A SP training scheme trains a learning agent purely by simulating plays with itself, or with policies which have been generated during training. These generated policies can dynamically build a set of benchmarking policies during training. Such set can potentially be curated to remove dominated or redundant policies.

Historically, SP lacks a formal definition, and notation is often not shared among researchers. This has led to isolated, and sometimes conflicting, conceptions of what constitutes SP as a training scheme in MARL. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a formally-grounded framework with rigorous and unified notations to allow for the creation of more nuanced and efficient contributions to Self-Play research? A shared language to express incremental efforts on existing and future work? (Foreshadowing for a future post ;) )

Self-Play throughout the ages

The notion of SP has been present in the game playing AI community for over half a century. (Samuel 1959) discusses the notion of learning a state-value function to evaluate board positions in the game of checkers, to later inform a 1-ply tree search algorithm to traverse more effectively the game’s search space. This learning process takes place as the opponent uses the same state-value function, both playing agents updating simultaneously the shared state-value function. Such training fashion was named self-play. The TD-Gammon algorithm (TD-Gammon) featured SP to learn a policy using TD((Sutton 1998) to reach expert level backgammon play. This approach surpassed previous work by the same author, which derived a backgammon playing policy by performing supervised learning on expert datasets (Tesauro 1990). More recently, AlphaGo (Silver 2016) used a combination of supervised learning on expert moves and SP to beat the world champion Go player. This algorithm was later refined (Silver 2017), removing the need for expert human moves. A policy was learnt purely by using an elaborate mix of supervised learning on moves generated by SP and MCTS, as presented in (Anthony 2017). These works echo the sentiment that superhuman AI needs not be limited or biased by preexisting human knowledge.

In the game of Othello, (VanDerRee 2013) experimented with training single agent RL algorithms using two different training schemes: SP and training versus a fixed opponent. Their results show that, depending on the RL algorithm used, learning by SP yields a higher quality policy than learning against a fixed opponent. Concretely, TD() learnt best from self-play, but Q-learning performed better when learning against a fixed opponent. Similarly, (Firoiu 2017) found that DQN (Mnih 2013), a deep variant of Q-learning, did not perform well when trained against other policies which were themselves being updated simultaneously, but otherwise performed well when training against fixed opponents. The environments used for their experiments differ too much to draw parallel conclusions from their results, one of them being a board game and the other a fast-paced fighting video game.

It is often assumed that a training scheme can be defined as SP if, and only if, all agents in an environment follow the same policy, corresponding to the latest version of the policy being trained. Meaning that, when the learning agent’s policy is updated, every single agent in the environment mirrors this policy update. (Bansal 2017) relaxes this assumption by allowing some agents to follow the policies of “past-selves”. Instead of replicating the same policy over all agents, the policy of all of the non-training agents can also come from a set of fixed “historical” policies. This set is built as training progresses, by taking checkpoints1 of the policy being trained. At the beginning of a training episode, policies are uniformly sampled from this “historical” policy set and define the behaviour of some of the environment’s agents. The authors claim that such version of SP aims at training a policy which is able to defeat random older versions of itself, ensuring continual learning.

From this scenario, consider the following: each combination of fixed policies sampled as opponents from the “historical” dataset can be considered as a separate MDP. This is because by leaving a single agent learning in a stationary environment, the fixed agents’ influence on the environment is stationary (Laurent 2011). This is of genuine importance, given that most RL algorithms’ convergence properties heavily rely on the assumption of a stationary environment (Asai 2001). Self-play algorithms can leverage the assumption that they are using SP, so they can provide the learning agent with a label denoting which combination of agent behaviours inhabits the environment, a powerful assumption in transfer learning (Sutton 2007) and multi-task learning (Taylor 2009). In fact, there already are multitask meta-RL algorithms which assume knowledge of a distribution over MDPs which the agent is being trained on, such as RL (Duan2016). Note that a SP algorithm featuring a growing set of “historical” policies will introduce a non-stationary distribution over the policies that will inhabit the environment during training. It ensues that the distribution over the set of MDPs, that the training agent will encounter, becomes non-stationary.

Similar ideas have also been independently discovered in other fields. Some methods in computational game theory directly tackle the idea of computing a strong policy2 by iteratively constructing a set of monotonically stronger policies. In turns, iterated best responses better challenge the current policy to compute better responses to those, thus generating a stronger policy. Alternating fictitious play (Berger 2007) iteratively computes a best response over set of policies that the learning agent expects the opponent agents to use. (Lanctot 2017) devised a unifying game theoretical framework to capture this iterative best-response computation over a set of potential, or previously encountered, opponent agents.

In psychology, (Treutwein1995) introduces the adaptive staircase procedure, where a learning agent is presented with a set of increasingly difficult tasks. After multiple successful trials at a task, the agent is promoted to harder tasks, otherwise it is demoted to easier ones. Such procedure was shown to prevent catastrophic forgetting 3 on trials outside its current level of difficulty, linking their results with (Bansal 2017) and SP. This was empirically demonstrated in the deep RL architecture UNREAL (Beattie2016) for virtual visual acuity tests (Leibo2018).

Unfortunately, the numerous empirical successes which motivate SP as a promising training scheme suffer from lack of formal proofs of convergence or even rate thereof (Tesauro 1992). One can only hope that this will change in the future.

Actually, one can do much more than that. One can research, experiment and try out new and old things to further our shared understanding of the limitations and strengths of Self-Play. Reach me on my (Github) if you are interested in collaborating on precisely anything of what you’ve just read.

  1. For deep RL, this is equivalent to freezing the weights of the neural networks used as part of the algorithm. 

  2. The notion of a policy in RL is roughly equivalent to that of a strategy in game theory, the term policy is used for consistency. 

  3. In a multi-agent reinforcement learning context, catastrophic forgetting refers to the event of a policy dropping in performance against policies for which it used to perform favourably better. 

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